auditory neuroscience context

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Lab news


09.07.2024, 17:20

Congratulations Dr. Ela!

Michaela was one of the first PhD students in the lab! After some delay owing to external circumstances (like a pandemic amongst other factors...) Ela has now successfully defended her thesis on comparing...   mehr

09.07.2024, 17:18

Welcome TangTang!

Its our great pleasure to welcome Ziying Tang as the newest team member! TangTang will perform EEG recordings during experiments using the SIT paradigm wioth human subjects to characterize neural signatures of...   mehr

08.01.2024, 11:04

New publication in Glia

Great start to the new year: Together with the Grothe lab, we followed up on the role of axonal properties and myelin in the auditory brainstem for precise temporal processing and published a new study...   mehr

20.10.2023, 09:06

Parabéns Miguel!

Congratualtions to Miguel for obtaining his Master thesis! He worked on establishing "computational neuroethology" in our lab. He did a stellar job on establishing multiple methods for supervised and...   mehr

26.01.2023, 17:44

New study on brainstem processing with Cochlear Implants

DOI: 10.3389/fnins.2022.1021541 We published our first paper from the SpaCIal Hearing project: In a collabroation with Prof. Dietz and Dr Hu from Oldenburg Uni, Michaela shows how electrical stimulation of...   mehr

19.12.2022, 18:23

Congratulations Leni!

Annalenia gave a smashing presentation of her data she collected for her master thesis. Congratulations to your graduation, Leni! We are very sad to see you leave, but wish you all the best in the future!    mehr

19.05.2022, 13:11

New paper on SIT with human subjects is now out Our perception is based on active sensing, i.e., the relationship between self-motion and resulting changes to sensory inputs. Yet, traditional experimental paradigms...   mehr

28.03.2022, 13:02

Congratulations Dr. Babsi!!!

Very happy to announce that Barbara has successfully defended her thesis. Babsi was the first student ever to join the pecka lab (as a Bachelor student). During her PhD, she was able to obtain new interesting...   mehr

18.02.2022, 14:11

Congrats to Paula!

Paula finished her Master thesis. Congratualtions! We are very happy for you but also sad to see you leave the lab, as we really enjoyed working (and partying) with you... All the best on your future journey,...   mehr

30.06.2021, 16:07

Dianas study now published in Current Biology

Our paper entitled "Source identity shapes spatial preference in primary auditory cortex during active navigation" is now avaiable online at Current Biology: Using our...   mehr

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